Become a Sponsor
Hosting hundreds of ardent and curious tour-goers to a magnificent day discovering Ridgefield’s private gardens, Beyond the Garden Gate offers an exceptional opportunity to share your name and message with an attentive and invested audience.
Garden tour sponsorships offer support opportunities at a range of levels:
Horticultural Hero
Exclusive Opportunity for a Single Sponsor
Please contact us at [email protected] if you are interested in this special opportunity and a Garden Tour representative will contact you shortly. Thank you!
Prominent Full-Page Ad in Tour Program
Prominent Banner at Ballard Park Gardens
Recognition on Tour Buses
Social Media Exposure, Permanent Posts
Recognition at Spring Soirée
- 10 Tickets to Tour Events (Soirée and Garden Tour)

Pioneer Planter
Prominent Full-Page Ad in Tour Program
Large Banner at Ballard Park Gardens
Recognition on Tour Buses
Social Media Exposure, Permanent Posts
Recognition at Spring Soirée
- 6 Tickets to Tour Events (Soirée and Garden Tour)

Legacy Landscaper
Full-Page Ad in Tour Program
Lawn Sign at Selected Garden or Other Prominent Location
4 Tickets to Tour Events (Soirée and Garden Tour)

Timeless Tiller
Full-Page Ad in Tour Program
- 2 Tickets to Tour Events (Soirée and Garden Tour)

All sponsors, regardless of level, will be included in event promotion emails sent to over 3,000 prospective guests. In addition, all sponsors will be featured on the Ridgefield Garden Tour website with a company logo and hyperlink to your website.
If you would prefer to make a donation, see our donation options ››
Make a Donation
Prefer becoming a donor? Please see the form below to make a fully tax-deductible donation to the Ridgefield Garden Tour. Donors of $250 and above will have their company logos (or individual/family names) included in the Garden Tour event program and website. Individual and business donors of all other amounts will be listed by contribution in the event program. We appreciate your support!
Ridgefield Historical Society
4 Sunset Lane
Ridgefield, CT 06877
Tel. (203) 438-5821